Search results for BETT


AiTLE Recommend : EduHK ~ AI Literacy Programme for Secondary Students

To be better prepared to face the current and future AI-infused society, it is important for students to have basic understanding on AI. With the support of the Li Ka Shing Foundation (LKSF) donation and UGC Research Matching Grant Scheme, the Centre for Learning, Teaching and Technology (LTTC), The Education University of Hong Kong has been offering an “Artificial Intelligence Literacy Programme” to all Secondary Grade 4 to 6 students in Hong Kong. The Programme is FREE and the EdUHK provide participants with corresponding learning and teaching materials.

Detail of the programme

  • AI Literacy Programme
    • Lite Version
      • The lite version comprises the first two courses of our Programme, focusing on Machine Learning and Deep Learning.
      • The total 18 hours will be completed within 1 week
      • Programme schedule for
    • Full Version
      • The Programme aims to equip students with AI concepts and ethical consideration, develop their awareness of AI, and empower them with AI to shape the future society.
      • The 58-hour AI Literacy Programme has four levels of courses with details below:
        • Understanding Machine Learning
        • Understanding Deep Learning
        • Developing Artificial Intelligence Applications
        • Exploring Real-Life AI Application Development
      • Programme schedule for

Official Website : Click here to visit

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在〈AiTLE Recommend : EduHK ~ AI Literacy Programme for Secondary Students〉中留言功能已關閉
AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)

AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)

To further enhance the eLearning readiness of schools of Hong Kong, AiTLE & EDB have decided to co-organize an Educational Trip to UK & Paris in Jan 2024 so as to get more experience through attending different Education Technologies, Pedagogical Forum and also one of the world’s largest Education Technologies Expo – BETT SHOW.

Also, in view of the emphasis of coding, computational thinking, AI and STEAM, the visit will also focus on these areas. One of the main themes of the visit is to visit the BETT SHOW, which is the world’s leading education technology event celebrated in the UK, to hear from industry figures and meet with experts from different domains and areas re IT in Education, eLearning, AI, STEAM, Coding Education, SEN … everything about Education Technologies.

Detail of the Education Mission as below :

  • Title :
    • AiTLE – EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to UK (London) and France (Paris) @ 2024 [2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31]
  • Co-organizers (list according to Alphabetical order) :
    • AiTLE, EDB
      • School can make use of Teacher Relief Grant to employ supply teachers to fill teaching posts vacant
    • Strategic Partners (list according to Alphabetical order) :
      • BESA, Big Dipper Studio, DIT, DTSL, ETC, iREd
  • Date :
    • 2024-01-21 (SUN) to 2024-01-31 (WED)
      • Expected departure from HK : 2024-01-21 (SUN)
      • Expected arrival back to HK : 2024-01-31 (WED)
  • Content :
    • School Visit(s)
    • Meet and Chat with Educators of London & Paris
    • AI & STEAM workshop(s) and Museum Visit(s)
    • Visit BETT Show

We cordially invite your school to nominate Principal, Vice Principal, eLearning Coordinator, IT Coordinator, STEAM Coordinator or even though subject teachers to join the Trip. Due to the limitation of some visits, we can at maximum accept 20 people to join trip. Seats are limited and will be allocated on First Come First Serve basis.

The trip is a self-paid trip and from our experience, the expenditure per person is about HKD 24,000 (for Air Ticket with Tax and fuel Surcharge, Hotel Shared Room with Breakfast, Coach Arrangement, Meal Arrangement & Travel Insurance and TIC Stamp Duty, actual pricing depends on date of confirmation of detail by participants), but of course depends on your own selection of flight and accommodation etc. We are doing our best to incorporate meaningful event and visit during the trip, and also have some lunch and dinner being arranged by partners, and some lunch or dinner need to be self-paid and arrange.

To join, please contact Mr. Albert Wong (Chairman of AiTLE) directly through WhatsApp @ 90289443 or Email @ [email protected] / [email protected]

For teachers to register ~ TCS : ENG | CHI

在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)〉中留言功能已關閉
在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)〉中留言功能已關閉
AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)

AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)

To further enhance the eLearning readiness of schools of Hong Kong, AiTLE & EDB have decided to co-organize an Educational Trip to UK & Paris in Jan 2024 so as to get more experience through attending different Education Technologies, Pedagogical Forum and also one of the world’s largest Education Technologies Expo – BETT SHOW.

Also, in view of the emphasis of coding, computational thinking, AI and STEAM, the visit will also focus on these areas. One of the main themes of the visit is to visit the BETT SHOW, which is the world’s leading education technology event celebrated in the UK, to hear from industry figures and meet with experts from different domains and areas re IT in Education, eLearning, AI, STEAM, Coding Education, SEN … everything about Education Technologies.

Detail of the Education Mission as below :

  • Title :
    • AiTLE – EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to UK (London) and France (Paris) @ 2024 [2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31]
  • Co-organizers (list according to Alphabetical order) :
    • AiTLE, EDB
      • School can make use of Teacher Relief Grant to employ supply teachers to fill teaching posts vacant
    • Strategic Partners (list according to Alphabetical order) :
      • BESA, Big Dipper Studio, DIT, DTSL, ETC, iREd
  • Date :
    • 2024-01-21 (SUN) to 2024-01-31 (WED)
      • Expected departure from HK : 2024-01-21 (SUN)
      • Expected arrival back to HK : 2024-01-31 (WED)
  • Content :
    • School Visit(s)
    • Meet and Chat with Educators of London & Paris
    • AI & STEAM workshop(s) and Museum Visit(s)
    • Visit BETT Show

We cordially invite your school to nominate Principal, Vice Principal, eLearning Coordinator, IT Coordinator, STEAM Coordinator or even though subject teachers to join the Trip. Due to the limitation of some visits, we can at maximum accept 20 people to join trip. Seats are limited and will be allocated on First Come First Serve basis.

The trip is a self-paid trip and from our experience, the expenditure per person is about HKD 24,000 (for Air Ticket with Tax and fuel Surcharge, Hotel Shared Room with Breakfast, Coach Arrangement, Meal Arrangement & Travel Insurance and TIC Stamp Duty, actual pricing depends on date of confirmation of detail by participants), but of course depends on your own selection of flight and accommodation etc. We are doing our best to incorporate meaningful event and visit during the trip, and also have some lunch and dinner being arranged by partners, and some lunch or dinner need to be self-paid and arrange.

To join, please contact Mr. Albert Wong (Chairman of AiTLE) directly through WhatsApp @ 90289443 or Email @ [email protected] / [email protected]

在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)〉中留言功能已關閉
在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, AI, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France 2024 (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2024-01-21 to 2024-01-31)〉中留言功能已關閉
BETT Small

AiTLE Sharing : Experience Sharing of AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France

自 2016 年起,除因受疫情影響外,AiTLE 差不多每年都會籌組老師團及學生團往英國出席 BETT Show,並同時安排參與者(團友)出席不同研討會、講座、工作坊、學校參觀等,而在 BETT Show 中,團友除在展覽中向不同伙伴了解教育新科技外,學生們更在不同伙伴攤位中展示其 STEAM 創作及即場向在場,來自世界各地的參與者講述其創作。

在剛過去的三月尾四月初,AiTLE 率領了近 100 位校長、老師、學生及伙伴前往英國出席 BETT Show 2023,同時到法國出席 AI 工作坊及會議。



  • 日期:2023-07-05(星期三)
  • 時間:1600-1800
  • 地點:九龍深水埗英華街一號英華書院 C602 室(InnoLab)
  • 內容:
    • 學校參觀分享
      • Student Ambassador
      • policies … etc
    • BETT Show 經驗分享
      • booth
      • Kids Judge
      • Student STEAM Display
    • GoodNotes
      • eLearning Note Taking 好幫手
    • AlphAI
      • 學習及了解 AI 運作原理

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在〈AiTLE Sharing : Experience Sharing of AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France〉中留言功能已關閉

AiTLE x ETC : 「AlphAI Learning Robot AlphAI 機械人 | AlphAI Kit AlphAI 教學套件」 工作坊

AiTLE 於本年三月尾四月初率團近百位校長老師學生及伙伴前往英國出席 BETT Show 及在英國法國進行「電子學習」、「STEAM 教育」及「AI 教育」的交流。活動成功進行,當中在法國與 Paris-Saclay Institute of Neuroscience CNRS & Paris-Saclay University 交流及出席其工作坊時,發現其「AlphAI Learning Robot AlphAI 機械人 | AlphAI Kit AlphAI 教學套件」設計非常好,套件能夠清晰地顯示 AI 神經網絡 (Artificial Neural Network)的運作方式,使用者可以參與 AI 機器學習過程中的設定、調節和操作。隨團中小學生及老師,均能輕鬆掌握。

為令更多老師掌握 AI 神經網絡,與及嘗試從「訓練」 AlphAI 機械人(AlphAI Learning Robot)開始,以有趣的方法從實驗中學習 AI 的核心基礎知識,AiTLE 特與 ETC 舉辦「AiTLE x ETC : 「AlphAI Learning Robot AlphAI 機械人 | AlphAI Kit AlphAI 教學套件」 工作坊」 Workshop。是次更邀得「AlphAI Learning Robot | AlphAI Kit」開發者 Dr. Thomas Deneux 前來協助教授及解答出席者問題。


  • 日期時間地點:
    • 場次一:2023-05-19(星期五)1630-1830 @ 英華書院
    • 場次二:2023-05-20(星期六)0915-1115 @ 銘賢書院
  • 內容:
    • AlphAI 背後的原理和概念
    • AI 學習活動介紹:
      • 入門活動:機械人競賽、K近鄰演算法、循線、神經網絡
      • 進階活動:Python 編程,讓學生編寫自己的 AI
  • 備註:
    • 當天活動部分會是 Hands-on Workshop 的形式,屆時會邀請個別參加者動手試做

(註:如曾已在 ETC 網站報名,也建議在以下 Google Form 再作報名)

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在〈AiTLE x ETC : 「AlphAI Learning Robot AlphAI 機械人 | AlphAI Kit AlphAI 教學套件」 工作坊〉中留言功能已關閉

AiTLE x UCCKE IT in Education Conference cum STEAM Fest

With our commitment to IT and STEAM education, AiTLE & United Christian College (Kowloon East) have decided to co-organize “IT in Education Conference cum STEAM Fest”, as signature event for UCCKE’s 20th Anniversary Celebration.

This event aims to create a platform to facilitate professional exchange among teachers, educators as well as experts in the IT sector, so that we can inspire each other to cultivate a future-ready generation. Through participation, demonstration and sharing, it is hoped that we can discuss how educators could apply IT in education to enhance the learning and teaching effectiveness, and explore how the emerging trends of STEAM education integrate with different curricula.

Details of the event as below :

  • Title :
    • AiTLE x UCCKE IT in Education Conference cum STEAM Fest
  • Date, Time & Venue :
    • Date : 2023-05-03 (WED)
      • Keynote Speech : 14:00 – 15:15
      • Parallel Session A : 15:30 – 16:15
      • Parallel Session B : 16:30 – 17:15
      • STEAM Fest : 14:00 – 17:30
    • Venue : UCCKE @ 2 Lee On Lane, Kwun Tong, Kowloon
  • Content :
    • Keynote Speech :
      • The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Shaping the Future of Learning – Mr. Fred Sheu, National Technology Officer, Microsoft Hong Kong
      • The Potential of Web 3.0 and Metaverse, and its Impact on the Future of Education – Dr. WONG, Gary K. W., Director of Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE), Assistant Professor HKU
    • Parallel Sessions of Teacher Experience Sharing
      • Session 1
        • Cyber Security and Data Privacy for educators
        • Using PowerLesson 2 in Science lessons
        • Coding Education and Coding for Community project
        • Using AI in teaching and learning with Moodie.AI
        • Using Microsoft Technologies in blended teaching and learning
        • STEAM 教育中培養學生的價值觀、知識、技能和態度
        • Multimodal Creativity and Expression: Designing Engaging Classrooms with Apple Tools for Literacy and Generative AI Tools
        • 中文科校本課程及評核 – Google classroom 作為平台的新嘗試
      • Session 2
        • Cyber Security Threats to Educational Institutions
        • 在教育應用上如何善用AI (ChatGPT): eClass 成績表系統的案例
        • Coding Education and Swift Coding Club
        • AI in education, teaching, and learning
        • Using Microsoft technology and resources in education, teaching, and learning
        • STEAM and Cross-Curricular Learning
        • Designing Interactive AR Experiences for Education with Reality Composer
        • Using Google technology and resources in education, teaching, and learning
    • STEAM Fest : STEAM demonstrations and workshops

We believe that this conference will be an excellent opportunity for all attendees to gain valuable insights and exchange ideas with their peers. We hope to see you there.

Speakers of Parallel Sessions of Teacher Experience Sharing

  • Mr. Andy Lam, Manager (Cyber Security)
  • Mr. LEE Chun Fai, Chemistry Teacher, United Christian College (Kowloon East)
  • Mr. POON Kwai Choi, Vice-Principal, United Christian College
  • Mr. Michael LEUNG, Assistant Principal, United Christian College (Kowloon East)
  • Mr. Roland LEUNG, Managing Director, Datality Lab Limited
  • Ms. LO Kit Yan Kitty, Head of IT Department, Lok Sin Tong Leung Chik Wai Memorial School
  • Mr. HO Ka Ki Spike, KLA Coordinator | Head of ICT department, Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College
  • Ms. LAM Sze Ki, Science subject coordinator, BSC Stem Lab Supervisor, Buddhist Sum Heung Lam Memorial College
  • Ms. Betty CHENG, Vice-Principal, Chan Sui Ki (La Salle) College
  • Mr. YU Chun Yu, Faculty head of Chinese, United Christian College (Kowloon East)
  • Mr. Arktos LAM, Cyber Security Manager, Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Ltd
  • Mr. LAU Chun Wah, Principal, United Christian College
  • Mr. AU Hoi Kin Kim, Principal, Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School
  • Mr. AU Yeung Tsz Wing, Assistant Principal, Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School
  • Mr. WONG Siu Fun Master, Department of Innovation and Technology Development, Caritas Wu Cheng-chung Secondary School
  • Mr. CHUNG Fu Yuen Peter, Assistant Principal, Concordia Lutheran School
  • Mr. KWOK Man Chiu, Principal, C.C.C. Kei Faat Primary School
  • Mr. LAM Chi Wai Jimmy, Assistant Principal, The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
  • Mr. CHUNG Lai Bon, Head of ICT, The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
  • Mr. TSANG Ka Ho, ICT teacher, The Chinese Foundation Secondary School
  • Mr. LAU Hing Yip Eric, Head of technology faculty, Creative Secondary School
  • Mr. HUNG Yam Hei Barton, Assistant Principal, S.K.H St. Benedict’s School

For teachers, please register through TCS for Professional Development Record : Eng | Chi

Please also register below even if you have registered / will do registration through TCS

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在〈AiTLE x UCCKE IT in Education Conference cum STEAM Fest〉中留言功能已關閉
AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2023-03-26 to 2023-04-04)

AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2023-03-26 to 2023-04-04)

To further enhance the eLearning readiness of schools of Hong Kong, AiTLE & EDB have decided to co-organize an Educational Trip to UK & Paris in March 2023 so as to get more experience through attending different Education Technologies, Pedagogical Forum and also one of the world’s largest Education Technologies Expo – BETT SHOW.

Also, in view of the emphasis of coding, computational thinking and STEM, the visit will also focus on these areas. One of the main themes of the visit is to visit the BETT SHOW, which is the world’s leading education technology event celebrated in the UK, to hear from industry figures and meet with experts from different domains and areas re IT in Education, eLearning, STEAM, Coding Education, SEN … everything about Education Technologies.

Detail of the Education Mission as below :

  • Title :
    • AiTLE – EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to UK (London) and France (Paris) @ 2023 [2023-03-26 to 2023-04-04]
  • Co-organizers (list according to Alphabetical order) :
    • AiTLE, EDB
      • School can make use of Teacher Relief Grant to employ supply teachers to fill teaching posts vacant
    • Strategic Partners (list according to Alphabetical order) :
  • Date :
    • 2023-03-26 (SUN) to 2023-04-04 (TUE)
      • Expected departure from HK : 2023-03-26 (SUN)
      • Expected arrival back to HK : 2023-04-04 (TUE)
  • Content :
    • School Visit(s)
    • Meet and Chat with Educators of London & Paris
    • STEAM workshop(s) and Museum Visit(s)
    • Visit BETT Show

We cordially invite your school to nominate Principal, Vice Principal, eLearning Coordinator, IT Coordinator, STEAM Coordinator or even though subject teachers to join the Trip. Due to the limitation of some visits, we can at maximum accept 20 people to join trip. Seats are limited and will be allocated on First Come First Serve basis.

The trip is a self-paid trip and from our experience, the expenditure per person is about HKD 23,000 (for Air Ticket with Tax and fuel Surcharge, 9 Nights Hotel Shared Room with Breakfast, Coach Arrangement, Meal Arrangement & Travel Insurance and TIC Stamp Duty), but of course depends on your own selection of flight and accommodation etc. We are doing our best to incorporate meaningful event and visit during the trip, and also have some lunch and dinner being arranged by partners.

To join, please contact Mr. Albert Wong (Chairman of AiTLE) directly through WhatsApp @ 90289443 or Email @ [email protected] / [email protected]

For teachers to register ~ TCS : ENG | CHI

在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2023-03-26 to 2023-04-04)〉中留言功能已關閉
在〈AiTLE x EDB : HK e-Learning, STEAM & Coding Education Study Tour to the United Kingdom (UK) and France (Co-organised by EDB and Association of IT Leaders in Education (AiTLE)) (2023-03-26 to 2023-04-04)〉中留言功能已關閉
AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022 – 簡介會

AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022 – 簡介會

Calling talented Hong Kong and Macau high school student designers, makers and leaders. The goal of the competition is to bring high school students in Hong Kong and Macau together to develop innovative and entrepreneurial APP ideas. William Jessup University (WJU) & AiTLE, along with the different partners, following the success of the competition at 2019, planned to launch the competition again at 2022 : [AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022]. Winning teams of Second Round (in a team of 4 Form 6 students) will receive a scholarship to attend WJU in California. Total amount of scholarship and prizes is more than 1 Million HKD, with conditional offer to William Jessup University (WJU) Computer Science Degree Course.

Below is the competition details :

  • Eligibility of Participants & Categories
    • Full Time Secondary 4, 5, or 6 students @ school in Hong Kong and Macau
      • First Round :
        • Secondary 4 to Secondary 6 students at 2021-2022 academic year
      • Second Round :
        • Secondary 6 students at 2022-2023 academic year
          • If the team has joined the first round, the submission can be a continuation of works from First Round
          • If the team hasn’t joined the first round, the submission needs to be a brand-new idea
    • Application must through school
      • School :
        • Local schools in Hong Kong and Macau including all government, aided (including special schools), caput and schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS), International Schools in Hong Kong and Macau
        • Each school must have a teacher in charge as the main contact point for the competition
    • Participants must be in a team of 4 full-time students
    • Each team may be advised with their teacher / advisor but the work must be the students
  • “Product” to be submitted : A PowerPoint Proposal with a 2-5 minutes video
    • The Presentation :
      • Based on the template provided, explaining your idea using graphics, images, text, audio and video links (max. 15MB and within 15 slides)
    • Video
      • Film a short video of 2 – 5 minutes in length to present your idea.
      • The video must be uploaded to an online platform (e.g. youtube) and set it as “unlisted”, then include the video link in the PowerPoint proposal
    • Either or both in the PowerPoint Proposal and/or video to introduce team members, and showcasing the App and/or Products for initial review (shortlisting)
    • App and/or Products
      • Need to show to judges during the showcasing session and presentation session (i.e. passed the shortlisting)
    • The presentations, App and/or Products interface must be in English
  • Briefing Session :
    • Date : 2021-10-16 (SAT)
    • Time : 10:00 – 11:30
    • Format : Online Briefing
    • Participants : Teachers and Students are welcome to join
    • Registration : Click here or fill in the Google form at the end of this webpage to join
  • First Round Competition Timeline and Details :
    • Application to join First Round :
      • From 2021-10-16 (SAT) 11:30 to 2021-12-17 (FRI) 23:59
    • Submission of “Product” :
      • 2021-10-17 (SUN) 00:01 to 2021-12-31 (FRI) 20:00
    • Shortlisting :
      • Judges will review the submitted work during Xmas 2021 and Jan 2022
      • Participants will be informed whether their teams can be accepted to join the showcasing and presentation session before CNY
    • Showcasing Session :
      • Date : 2022-03-12 (SAT)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 3-5 minutes in length, with 1-2 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
    • Presentation Session and Award Presentation :
      • Date : 2022-03-13 (SUN)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges via Power Point presentation
        • After presentation, will have an Q&A session
        • Besides reviewing the product, should also have focus on App’s marketability
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 5 minutes in length, with 5 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
  • Second Round Competition Timeline and Details :
    • Application to join First Round (tentative) :
      • 2022-09-05 (MON) 00:01 to 2022-09-30 (FRI) 23:59
    • Submission of “Product”
      • 2022-09-05 (MON) 00:01 to 2022-10-15 (SAT) 20:00
    • Shortlisting :
      • 2022-10-16 (SUN) to 2022-10-23 (SUN)
      • Participants will be informed whether their teams can be accepted to join the showcasing and presentation session before 2022-10-26 (WED)
    • Showcasing Session :
      • Date : 2022-11-12 or 2022-11-19 or 2022-12-03 (All are SAT)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 5 minutes in length, with 5 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
    • Presentation Session and Award Presentation :
      • Date : 2022-11-13 or 2022-11-20 or 2022-12-04 (All are SUN)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 8 minutes in length, with 8-12 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
  • Awards :
    • First Round :
      • Champion team : Notebook (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Outstanding winner may have conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course and/or scholarship
      • 1st runner up team : Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
      • 2nd runner up team : Technology product (Each participant of the team has 1)
    • Second Round
      • Champion team : Full Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$4000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
      • 1st runner up team : Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$3000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
      • 2nd runner up team : Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$2000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
  • Judging Criteria :
    • Idea, Creativity & Innovation
    • Feasibility, Functionality & Design
    • Use of Technology & User Experience
    • Team Collaboration, Presentation and Communication
  • Disclaimers:
    • Perfection is never a requirement. It’s best if the product is applicable, user-friendly, and scalable
    • All submissions to the Competition remain the intellectual property of the individuals and or teams
    • AiTLE and WJU have the rights to show the submissions without notifying participants
  • Tracks & Challenges:
    • Some Possible Tracks but not limited to:
      • Social Media & Communication: Can technology help mankind connect better or safer?
      • Green Energy: Can technology encourage more people classify their garbage or choose sustainable energy in daily life?
      • Disaster Relief & People Need Help: Can technology make life better for people with disabilities?
  • Tips:
    • Teams can build apps (PC / Mobile / Wearable) from scratch
    • App focus can be in social, transportation, new habit etc, or teams can solve no challenges but build whatever they think is cool
    • Explore AI, AR, IOT, Blockchain and other cutting-edge technologies in your projects
    • Can also try any Platforms which can help quickly to build the new app
    • Other open source clarity framework to make the apps look awesome
    • Other popular Engine to build the application! See sample apps at for inspiration

在〈AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022 – 簡介會〉中留言功能已關閉
在〈AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022 – 簡介會〉中留言功能已關閉
2021-10-09 – WJU 2022

AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022

Calling talented Hong Kong and Macau high school student designers, makers and leaders. The goal of the competition is to bring high school students in Hong Kong and Macau together to develop innovative and entrepreneurial APP ideas. William Jessup University (WJU) & AiTLE, along with the different partners, following the success of the competition at 2019, planned to launch the competition again at 2022 : [AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022]. Winning teams of Second Round (in a team of 4 Form 6 students) will receive a scholarship to attend WJU in California. Total amount of scholarship and prizes is more than 1 Million HKD, with conditional offer to William Jessup University (WJU) Computer Science Degree Course.

Below is the competition details :

  • Eligibility of Participants & Categories
    • Full Time Secondary 4, 5, or 6 students @ school in Hong Kong and Macau
      • First Round :
        • Secondary 4 to Secondary 6 students at 2021-2022 academic year
      • Second Round :
        • Secondary 6 students at 2022-2023 academic year
          • If the team has joined the first round, the submission can be a continuation of works from First Round
          • If the team hasn’t joined the first round, the submission needs to be a brand-new idea
    • Application must through school
      • School :
        • Local schools in Hong Kong and Macau including all government, aided (including special schools), caput and schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS), International Schools in Hong Kong and Macau
        • Each school must have a teacher in charge as the main contact point for the competition
    • Participants must be in a team of 4 full-time students
    • Each team may be advised with their teacher / advisor but the work must be the students
  • “Product” to be submitted : A PowerPoint Proposal with a 2-5 minutes video
    • The Presentation :
      • Based on the template provided, explaining your idea using graphics, images, text, audio and video links (max. 15MB and within 15 slides)
    • Video
      • Film a short video of 2 – 5 minutes in length to present your idea.
      • The video must be uploaded to an online platform (e.g. youtube) and set it as “unlisted”, then include the video link in the PowerPoint proposal
    • Either or both in the PowerPoint Proposal and/or video to introduce team members, and showcasing the App and/or Products for initial review (shortlisting)
    • App and/or Products
      • Need to show to judges during the showcasing session and presentation session (i.e. passed the shortlisting)
    • The presentations, App and/or Products interface must be in English
  • Briefing Session :
    • Date : 2021-10-16 (SAT)
    • Time : 10:00 – 11:30
    • Format : Online Briefing
    • Participants : Teachers and Students are welcome to join
    • Registration : Click here or fill in the Google form at the end of this webpage to join
  • First Round Competition Timeline and Details :
    • Application to join First Round :
      • From 2021-10-16 (SAT) 11:30 to 2021-12-17 (FRI) 23:59
    • Submission of “Product” :
      • 2021-10-17 (SUN) 00:01 to 2021-12-31 (FRI) 20:00
    • Shortlisting :
      • Judges will review the submitted work during Xmas 2021 and Jan 2022
      • Participants will be informed whether their teams can be accepted to join the showcasing and presentation session before CNY
    • Showcasing Session :
      • Date : 2022-03-12 (SAT)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 3-5 minutes in length, with 1-2 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
    • Presentation Session and Award Presentation :
      • Date : 2022-03-13 (SUN)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges via Power Point presentation
        • After presentation, will have an Q&A session
        • Besides reviewing the product, should also have focus on App’s marketability
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 5 minutes in length, with 5 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
  • Second Round Competition Timeline and Details :
    • Application to join First Round (tentative) :
      • 2022-09-05 (MON) 00:01 to 2022-09-30 (FRI) 23:59
    • Submission of “Product”
      • 2022-09-05 (MON) 00:01 to 2022-10-15 (SAT) 20:00
    • Shortlisting :
      • 2022-10-16 (SUN) to 2022-10-23 (SUN)
      • Participants will be informed whether their teams can be accepted to join the showcasing and presentation session before 2022-10-26 (WED)
    • Showcasing Session :
      • Date : 2022-11-12 or 2022-11-19 or 2022-12-03 (All are SAT)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 5 minutes in length, with 5 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
    • Presentation Session and Award Presentation :
      • Date : 2022-11-13 or 2022-11-20 or 2022-12-04 (All are SUN)
      • Time : PM (exact time to be confirmed)
      • Venue : To be confirmed
      • Format :
        • Teams will present their App and/or Products to the judges from individual table top booths
        • Teams are encouraged to display their work visually, and have a working model available for judging
        • Judges will walk around the various booths and will be scoring the App and/or Products based on functionality, creativity among other factors
        • All members of the Team must be present and participate
        • Presentations is about 8 minutes in length, with 8-12 min Q&A. Exact time length will be announced later
        • Presentation will be in English
  • Awards :
    • First Round :
      • Champion team : Notebook (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Outstanding winner may have conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course and/or scholarship
      • 1st runner up team : Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
      • 2nd runner up team : Technology product (Each participant of the team has 1)
    • Second Round
      • Champion team : Full Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$4000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
      • 1st runner up team : Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$3000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
      • 2nd runner up team : Scholarship to attend WJU in California
        • @US$2000/student x 4 years
          • Scholarship for 2nd year and after will be reviewed at the end of the 1st school year, based on GPA of 1st school year
        • Notebook/Tablet (Each participant of the team has 1)
        • Participants will got conditional offer to WJU Computer Science Degree Course
          • Conditions for the offer :
            • Acceptable Academic result at their S4, S5 and S6 (if has) school report card
            • Meet English Requirement
  • Judging Criteria :
    • Idea, Creativity & Innovation
    • Feasibility, Functionality & Design
    • Use of Technology & User Experience
    • Team Collaboration, Presentation and Communication
  • Disclaimers:
    • Perfection is never a requirement. It’s best if the product is applicable, user-friendly, and scalable
    • All submissions to the Competition remain the intellectual property of the individuals and or teams
    • AiTLE and WJU have the rights to show the submissions without notifying participants
  • Tracks & Challenges:
    • Some Possible Tracks but not limited to:
      • Social Media & Communication: Can technology help mankind connect better or safer?
      • Green Energy: Can technology encourage more people classify their garbage or choose sustainable energy in daily life?
      • Disaster Relief & People Need Help: Can technology make life better for people with disabilities?
  • Tips:
    • Teams can build apps (PC / Mobile / Wearable) from scratch
    • App focus can be in social, transportation, new habit etc, or teams can solve no challenges but build whatever they think is cool
    • Explore AI, AR, IOT, Blockchain and other cutting-edge technologies in your projects
    • Can also try any Platforms which can help quickly to build the new app
    • Other open source clarity framework to make the apps look awesome
    • Other popular Engine to build the application! See sample apps at for inspiration

在〈AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022〉中留言功能已關閉
在〈AiTLE & William Jessup University (WJU): 1 Million HKD Scholarship Computer Science Competition for High School students 2022 高中學生「一百萬元港幣獎學金」電腦科學比賽 2022〉中留言功能已關閉
The Anywhere School 2021

AiTLE x GEG Hong Kong Recommend : Google for Education – The Anywhere School 2021

This past year, dining tables became desks. Chat rooms became classrooms. School is no longer just one place – it’s many.

Now, we have the unique opportunity to turn this new normal into a better normal. And it starts with your invitation to The Anywhere School 2021, a free online event that gives education leaders, IT administrators, and teachers the product updates and tools to prepare for – and rebuild – the future of learning.

This event will bring together education leaders, IT experts, and teachers from around the world to explore technology’s role in the future of learning. Highly encourage you to attend!

The Anywhere School 2021 will give you a unique opportunity to:

  • Get a sneak peek at new Google products designed to increase student engagement and online classroom safety.
  • Explore the ways in which crisis can breed innovation, and what schools are doing to rebuild and help learners who may have fallen behind.
  • Learn how Google for Education provides school communities with safe, private online learning environments.

Register to tune in live. No matter where you are in the world:

Date : June 23, 2021
Time : 12pm – 1:15pm (AEST) ==> 10am – 11:15am (Hong Kong Time)

Subtitles will be available in English

Detail and Registration : Please click here

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在〈AiTLE x GEG Hong Kong Recommend : Google for Education – The Anywhere School 2021〉中留言功能已關閉