AiTLE Recommend : IT Champions 《IT行者》 to Make its Debut Tonight! (2014-01-13)

The wait is finally over. “IT Champions” will officially be out tonight at 9:00 p.m. on “RTHK TV 31”!

The series will start with a touching and inspiring episode, which depicts how a father (Danny SUMMER) got inspired by her blind daughter (Regen@HotCha) and developed a navigation system for the blind, opening a door for them to see the world in a wholly different way.  You can view the stills of this episode and the synopsis of the remaining six episodes through

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What’s more, you can also take part in the IT trivia quiz on the above website, which will be posted after the live cast of each episode, for an opportunity to win a “IT Champions” 8GB USB flash drive and the ultimate grand prize – a tablet!

So, remember to tune to “RTHK TV 31” at 9:00 p.m. tonight.  If you cannot access the new TV channel, you can always view it at the RTHK website (, or through the RTHK Screen mobile app, available for download via iTunes or Google Play Store.