AiTLE Seminar + Workshop : 3D 打印創作教師培訓、Makers Culture + STEM / STEAM Education + Jan 2016 UK eLearning & STEM Education Visit

Dates: 10/31/2015 Times: 09:30 - 12:30 Location: Baptist Rainbow Primary School, Chuk Yuen South Estate, Chuk Yuen, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon

2015-10-12 - Promotional Logo

3D 打印踏足香港學界近兩年,不少學校因應不同行政或教學需要均購置或考慮購置 3D 打印機,但在選用打印機的同時,在教學方面,必須選用一套簡單易用的軟件,且因應電子教學的需要,有關軟件必須能在 iOS, Andriod 及 Windows 平台上運行。而 AiTLE 將於 11 月 28 日舉辦「3D 打印創意培育計劃」之「千人 3D 打印創作解水困.齊破健力氏紀錄」,為令老師掌握有關軟件,特於 10 月 31 日(六)早上舉行「教師培訓班」,教授教師使用有關軟件。

另外,STEM Education 近日亦成為學界熱門話題,本會正積極籌備一連串相關活動,第一炮為於 10 月 31 日(六)早上講座,先為教師們介紹 STEM 甚或 STEAM (STEM + Art) Education,與及與 STEM / STEAM 有密切關係的 Makers 文化,及相關教學資源。出席者有機會優先報名將來本會主辦的 STEM / STEAM 活動。

同時,本會 TestBed Program 計劃於 2016 年 1 月到訪英國,出席全世界最大型的科技教育展(BETT Show),並得教育局資訊科技組支持,作為主辦單位之一,出席同工可獲教育局發信予學校,並申請使用整合代課教師津貼聘請代課教師暫代放取核准假期的合資格教師。交流團除出席 BETT SHOW 外,亦會出席不同活動如 Conference, Forum 及 School Visit。有關詳情亦會於 10 月 31 日(六)早上作講解。


  • 日期:2015 年 10 月 31 日(星期六)
  • 時間:0930 – 1230
  • 地點:浸信會天虹小學
  • 內容:
    • 「3D 打印創意培育計劃」之「千人 3D 打印創作解水困.齊破健力氏紀錄」教師培訓班
      • 講者:Mr. Lap Leung, Director of Sales and Marketing, Makers Empire
    • STEM & STEAM Education, Makers 文化,相關教學資源
      • 講者:Dr. Clifford Choy, Assistant Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
        • 內容:The term “maker” has been gaining in popularity ever since US President Obama hosted the first White House Maker Faire last year and Premier Li Keqiang(李克強)visited a maker space in ShenZhen in beginning of this year. Indeed, “makers” are those who learn through hands-on activities, and they are associated with inventiveness, resourcefulness, life-long learning, sustainability, and entrepreneurship. In fact, as the process of making requires knowledge from a wide range of disciplines, promoting the maker culture to our younger generation helps to introduce STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics) to them. In this talk, I will introduce background on this maker movement, and the “I MAKE” initiative from the PolyU Design which aims at promoting the importance of making and the maker culture in Hong Kong.
          Dr. Clifford Choy, Assistant Professor, School of Design, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
    • TestBed Program ~ HK Education Mission to UK (英國電子學習交流團)介紹
      • 講者:AiTLE

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