
Kinds of Membership in AiTLE (extract from AiTLE constitution)
「資訊科技教育領袖協會」會員類別 內容取自「本會會章」

Ordinary Member 普通會員
  • Be one of the followings 為以下任何一類之人士 :
    • Teachers who are I.T. Coordinators in School 現職教師,並為學校資訊科技統籌主任, or
    • Members of the School I.T. Team 現職教師,並為學校資訊科技小組組員, or
    • Holders of AIT Certificate 曾修畢 AIT 課程並持有其証書之人士, or
    • Present AIT course participants 現正修讀 AIT 課程之人士, or
    • Associate Members of the Association for not less than two years with special contributions to the Association, with approval by AiTLE Executive Committee 為本會「從屬會員」不少於兩年,且對本會有貢獻 ,並經幹事會討論接受其會藉提昇
  • Has to pay membership fee 需繳付會費

Note 註 : The membership fee for current year is HKD 100 and the membership period will cover up to August 31 each year 本年度會員年費為 HKD 100。會籍有效期由申請日到每年八月三十一日止

Associate Member 從屬會員
Teachers, retired teachers and staffs of an educational institution (including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, international schools, colleges, universities, tertiary institutions, technical institutions and special schools).
教育機構(包括幼稚園、小學、中學、國際學校、書院、大學、專上學院、 技能訓練院校及特殊學校)之現職或退休教師與及職員。

NO need to pay membership fee, does not have the right to vote, has second priority (lower than that of Ordinary members and also according to the order of application) to attend activities organized by AiTLE.

Honorary Member 榮譽會員
Person who has recognized outstanding and distinguished contribution to the I.T. in Education through the recommendation of the Executive Committee.任何在資訊科技教育有公認之突出及優越貢獻,並經本會執行委員會推薦。

Corporate Member 機構會員
(Not yet open 未開放)
A corporation, firm or organization may, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, apply to become a Corporate Member.經本會執行委員會同意之機構、公司、或組織。

Institution Member 教育機構會員
(Not yet open 未開放)
Education institutions including kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools, international schools, colleges, universities and those in tertiary education, technical education and special education may, subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, apply to become an Institution Member.教育機構(包括幼稚園、小學、中學、國際學校、書院、大學、專上學院、技能訓練院校及特殊學校)可申請成為本會教育機構會員,獲批與否由本會執行委員會決定。